Over the years, we have sold copiers to variety of customers. In doing this job, we have grown professionally as well as personally.
What have we learned during this time?
First, we have learned that no matter how sincere people seem, they do not just want information but comfort. While this sounds like we are judging, we are not. People often call us after a quote to ask if they should get a 50 page-per-minute machine over the 40 page-per-minute one that we recommended. We do not try to convince them that 40 pages will not be fast enough, but we ask why they will want the 50 pages per minute. Sometimes, it is simply because another salesperson gave them doubts about the 40 pages per minute.
Second, we have learned that the tougher the exterior, oftentimes the nicer the customer. In many cases, customers want to test the salesperson to sift through the companies that will promise the world but not work hard for their business. At our business in Kansas City, we have bent over backwards for our customers, helping them to swap out lemons and bringing them loaner equipment. For further information, call today!