Get the Most from Your Copier Lease

Not everyone realizes the true value of a copier lease. There are always people who want to take a shortcut and purchase something from a big box store. They think that it’s a rip off to be charged every month, when you can get a cheap print or copier solution for a store. What they…

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Cut down on Your Monthly Print Costs

Negotiating a fair copier lease can be a challenge, but it’s only one part of your monthly payment. You have to make sure that you are paying the right amount for consumables as well as print prices. Its areas like these that many people end up spending too much. To cut down on your monthly…

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Pay the Professional

There is nothing more annoying than paying for a new product only to have it fall short right away. This annoyance is only exacerbated when your business is on the line. Setting up a new copier or printer is not always as easy as you may think. While you may want to save a dime…

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Maintaining a discontinued Copier

You may have a slightly older copier in your office, but everything works just fine. Then, suddenly you get a call from your leasing company. They inform you that the copier has been discontinued and that it’s smart to upgrade to a new model. This is a common occurrence in the world of copier leasing,…

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Stop Spending Too Much on Your Copier

There are far too many people out there that are overpaying for their office copiers. These machines are crucial to the workflow of your office, but you shouldn’t have to ruin your bottom line to have one. At Kansas City Copier we believe in fair copier sales, which is why we want to show you…

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Scanning Tips

At Kansas City Copier we pride ourselves on being the best around at helping you get the most from your machines. However, we aren’t all about copiers. We are also the best around at getting you the most from your office machine’s scanning abilities as well. Following our useful scanning tips can help you get…

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Ending a Copier Lease

You’ve reached the end of your copier lease and you are ready to move on to something new. You have the date marked on your calendar when you think your lease ends, but then suddenly you see that you’ve been charged for an additional 3 months. How did that happen? Well, at Kansas City Copier…

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Evaluating a Copier Lease

There are a lot of things to think about when you get a copier lease. It can be hard to evaluate a copier lease, especially if this is your first copier lease. Too many companies focus on trying to get money from you, making the process very confusing. We like to take a different approach…

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A Different Approach to Copier Sales

There are a lot of sneaky copier leasing companies that are out to take as much money as they can. They use a number of tactics to keep you in the dark and maximize their profits. At Kansas City Copier we offer a different approach to copier sales. We believe in honesty and exposing the…

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Save money on Your Copier Lease

When it comes to the world of copier leases it can be hard to decipher who is telling you the truth. At Kansas City Copier we believe in making copier leases easy, and being honest when discussing a lease. We believe in helping you save money, and getting you the best you can get without…

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